Back-To-School Gift Ideas for Teachers

teacher gifts with personalized pottery

School is back in session! While we embrace our new normal, let’s show some support to the educators for keeping our students growing. Gift your teachers with personalized pottery and indoor plants! Get the kids together and spend time crafting up creative container gardens. Give to your neighbors, First Responders, or anyone that deserves a special thank you! Explore our blog for super cute DIY ideas and more!



handprint pottery with plants

Give your teachers a gift of encouragement as we enter the new school year with a personal touch like Handprint Pottery! At a time of social distancing, this representation of human connection is thoughtful and beautiful, especially with the addition of indoor plants!

Step 1: Supplies

For this project, you will need the following supplies:

  1. Indoor Plants
  2. Terra Cotta Pottery
  3. Calloway’s Premium Container Potting Soil or Black Gold® Cactus Mix
  4. Child Safe Craft Paint

Step 2: Paint

terra cotta pots

First, grab your terra cotta pots. Get a paper plate or a sheet of foil to spread out your paint.

craft paint

Then, place your hand in the paint. Spreading the paint around so that your hand is fully covered.

hand with paint

Do a preliminary print on a paper towel to remove some of the extra paint. Place your hand on the pottery and make sure all parts touch for a proper handprint!

handprint pottery

Allow the pottery to dry before adding plants.



pencil pottery

Get creative and gift your teachers with Pencil Pottery. Creating a hand-made pencil theme pot is perfect for our educators! This fun and unique creation will be an unforgettable gift that your teachers can use for many years to come!

Step 1: Supplies

For this project, you will need the following supplies:

  1. Indoor Plants
  2. Terra Cotta Pottery
  3. Calloway’s Premium Container Potting Soil or Black Gold® Cactus Mix
  4. Yellow, Red, White, Black, and Metallic Silver Paint
  5. Paint Brushes

Step 2: Paint the Pencil

yellow paint

First, grab your yellow paint. Start painting the lower portion of the pottery. You will need to paint a few coats for a bold yellow color.

painting yellow paint on pottery

When the yellow is complete, get your red and white paint to make the pink paint for the eraser.

Mix the colors together to get the perfect shade of pink. Then, paint the top of the terra cotta pottery.

silver paint

Next, add the metallic silver paint between the pink and the yellow to complete the base of your pencil design.

Step 3: Final Touch

add black no. 2 letters

Finish your pencil in style! Add the “No. 2” graphic to represent the classic school time pencils we all know and love. Finally, allow all the paint the dry before planting!

handprint pottery and pencil pottery



back to school apple plant tags

Add an extra special touch to your plant gifts with Back-To-School Plant tags! Let the kids have fun coloring the perfect red apple or write a nice message! Write care tips for the plants you use and let your students be the teacher.

colored back to school plant tags

Simply, color and cut out. Then, use glue or hot glue (with adult supervision, of course) and attach your apple to a popsicle stick.

care tips on plant tag

Place your apple tag in the completed plant!


back to school plant tag



decorative pottery

No time to craft? Don’t worry! At Calloway’s and Cornelius, we have a variety of decorative pots, perfect for any indoor plant! Explore our selection and find a style or color that your teachers will love!

For an easier gift idea, order a gift card online! Simply, place your order online and have it shipped to your favorite educator! Gift them with the beauty of nature!



teacher gifts indoor plants

First, add stones to the bottom of your container to create a proper draining system that is ideal for indoor plants. Then, add your potting soil. We recommend using Calloway’s Premium Container Potting Soil or Black Gold® Cactus Mix.

Fill the container with the potting soil, leaving room for your plants.  Add your indoor plant selections by carefully removing them from their containers and gently breaking up the root ball. Water in thoroughly, allowing the water to drain through the drain hole. Add more potting soil if needed.

For tips on the best plants to use, learn about the 5 Best Indoor Plants for Beginners

teach gift ideas



Pick up your supplies today at our store nearest you and plant with ease! At Calloway’s and Cornelius, we have convenient ways to shop for your gardening projects. Our open-air stores are here for you to enjoy, or you can call our store nearest you and place an order over the phone for Curbside Pickup! Plus, try shopping online or send a gift card!

indoor plants and teacher gift ideas

Questions about plant care, availability, or quantities of plants? Call our store nearest you! Our Texas Certified Nursery Professionals are here to help with your planting needs!

nice note on plant tag

Let’s keep growing and learning! Share your garden gifts with us on our Facebook page or Instagram and use hashtag #CALLOWAYSNURSERY or #CORNELIUSNURSERY! We love to see what you grow and create!


fresh from florida


