All About Bird Seed

Birds are essential to our ecosystem and can benefit you and your landscape in so many ways. They aid in the pollination process while they can also help you relax. Bird watching is a hobby enjoyed by many and you can easily create your very own birding sanctuary. The first and most important element you need is quality bird seed.


bird seed types

At Calloway’s and Cornelius, we want to provide our bird friends with the proper nourishment, keep pests away, and help our birds stay happy and healthy, especially during the winter. Let us educate you on our bird seed selection, what makes our bird seed mixes nutritious, and how they benefit our birds.



wild bird blend

Calloway’s Premium Wild Bird Blend is stocked full of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that birds crave. It attracts birds like Cardinals, Doves, Sparrows, and more!

wild bird blend mix

White Proso Millet

Our Wild Bird Blend contains a seed called White Proso Millet which is a grass seed that is smaller than a grain of rice. It is high in fiber and fat, and it’s a favorite for smaller birds.

wild bird blend seeds

Black Oil Sunflower Seeds

Black Oil Sunflower Seeds are also a key ingredient in this mix due to its popularity among many different bird species. Birds crave the high oil content this seed provides.



patio blend

Skip the mess and pick a bird seed that is all seed and no shells like Calloway’s Patio Blend! Full of beneficial oils and high calorie content, this tasty treat attracts birds like Cardinals, Blue Jays, Chickadees, Sparrows and more!

patio blend seeds

Sunflower Chips

Sunflower chips, also known as hulled sunflower seeds, are the heart and the best part of the seed. Sunflower chips are rich in oil and high in calories which is what birds crave.

patio blend types of seeds

Shelled Peanuts

Shelled Peanuts are a popular addition to any birdseed mix. They are healthy and provide a significant amount of fat and protein which is very crucial to birds, especially during the winter.



hot & spicy

Are squirrels after your bird seed? Keep them away with Calloway’s Hot & Spicy! This bird seed contains the same shell-less mix as the Patio Blend, but with an added spicy kick from capsicum.

hot and spicy bird seed


Mammals have receptors in their brains that when you eat something spicy, it creates a burning sensation. That’s how we know it is spicy. Birds do not have these receptors, or the ability to taste, thus remain unphased by the spicy flavor. Squirrels, on the other hand, despise the spicy flavor and learn to avoid the temptation of trying this spicy snack.

hot spicy bird seeds



songbird mix

Bring a symphony to your garden with the delightful blend of seeds and fruit in our Calloway’s Songbird Mix. This is a favorite to many birds like Blue Jays, Grosbeaks, Cardinals and more!

songbird blend


Safflower is a seed favored by many songbirds. It is smaller than a sunflower seed with a tough shell. The bitter taste also works as a deterrent for squirrels and other critters.

Grey Stripe Sunflower Seeds

Grey Stripe Sunflower Seeds are a great choice for a high-oil, high-fat seed. The hulls are thicker than the Black Oil Sunflower Seeds making it a popular choice for larger birds like Cardinals.

songbird mix

Dried Fruit

Dried Fruits like cranberries and raisins help create a well balanced and nutritious snack for your songbirds. In fact, many birds are attracted to fruit in bird seed blends.



finch blend

Attract Finches, Quail, Doves and more with our Calloway’s Finch Blend. This premium seed resembles wild rice and provides necessary calories and oils to our feathered friends.

finch bird seed


Nyjer seeds are rich in oils, fats, and proteins. Also referred to as a thistle seed; this seed is small, dark, and elongated. It is lightweight and will not be wasted as quail or larger finches will gobble up any seeds that fall to the ground.

finch bird seeds



Now that you know more about what is in our bird seed, you can know what birds they attract! Check out this handy chart that outlines our native birds and the different types of bird see they enjoy.

bird seed chart

Attract the birds of your choice to your landscape with seed that will keep them happy and healthy.

Stop by our store nearest you to check out our birding area! Questions? Ask one of our Texas Certified Nursery Professionals available at every store location!





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