8 Tools Every Beginner Gardener Needs

Are you new to gardening? Don’t know where to start? No problem! We are here to help! Gardening is a pastime loved by many and can help ease the stress from your day. For your planting success, we created a helpful list of tools that every beginner gardener needs!


gardening gloves

Gardening gloves are essential! They will protect your hands from pests, splinters, thorns, etc. Not to mention, they are super stylish and come in a variety of colors and designs! The key components to look for when glove shopping are:

  1. Durability without being too bulky
  2. Secure fit to protect your hands
  3. Breathable fabric to keep your hands cool

Select a style that fits you best and have some fun gardening with cute and quality protection.



Owning a rake makes everything easier. From spreading mulch to picking up leaves, there is something to be said about a fantastic rake. Rakes come in a variety of sizes and styles. You can use plastic or metal rakes; it all depends on your preference. Raking your yard will help protect your lawn and keep pests away, and it will also keep your landscape looking fresh and clean.



A good shovel is a must. Hand shovels and digging shovels will always come in handy and will certainly be put to good use.


Perfect for creating a space to plant your flowers or shrubs, a quality shovel will get the job done.

gardening tools

Root Slayer Shovels, available at Calloway’s and Cornelius, are perfect for digging through tough roots and are highly recommended by our landscaping team. This is a great selection for planting your trees and shrubs. Can you dig it?

gardening tools



Help control your plants, remove old blooms for new growth, and keep your garden healthy and happy.  Pruning Shears are ideal for live plants and green wood as they cut like scissors and have a sharp blade passing by a flat surface.

This creates a clean cut and causes less injury to your plants. Pruners should fit easily in the palm of your hand.



Loppers, similar to pruning shears, are ideal for trees and branches. With a longer handle, it allows for an easier reach to different areas and the leverage to properly cut thicker branches.

pruning shears

These can be a heavier tool so be careful and always know what you are cutting and how far you will need to reach the branches.


adjustable watering tools

All plants need water. The watering tools you choose will depend on the size and type of planting you are doing. Gardening hoses with an adjustable nozzle are extremely useful and versatile. It is important that your hose can reach and spray every part of your garden. An adjustable nozzle can help control the water pressure and spray radius.

watering cans

Watering cans are ideal for small space gardening, indoor plants, and container gardens or if you do not have the capabilities to use a watering hose. They allow you to control how much water to use and to control the flow of water.

watering tools

Watering wands give your plants a gentle rain shower. This is great for back edges of border plants, hanging baskets, and those hard to reach areas of your garden and container gardens.


gardening hoe

Owning a proper gardening hoe will save you time and energy. The sharp edge penetrates the ground easily and cuts through weeds easily.

gardening tool ideas

The long handle, when worked in an upright position, will help ease back strain when working in your garden. The gooseneck design also helps you work around plants.



To keep your garden healthy, you will need to provide the proper nourishment. Feeding your lawn and large areas of your landscape is easy with a spreader. Spreaders allow you to control how much food you are using at the ideal setting. At Calloway’s and Cornelius, we offer free spreader rentals to all of our customers. Ask one of our store employees for more information.

Gardening is fun, especially with the right tools. Stop by our store nearest you for all your gardening needs! Questions? Ask our Texas Certified Nursery Professionals available at all of our store locations!




ref: radiusgarden.com – shop.coronatoolsusa.com