Celebrate the 4th of July with Family: Patriotic Plant Displays, Outdoor Games, & More

Happy 4th of July! Celebrate America’s birthday in style with patriotic plant displays, festive plant tag decorations, and family-friendly outdoor games! Let freedom ring in your garden and celebrate safely with your family! Spend your day doing fun activities, creative crafts, and creating memories!


4th of july display

Decorating for holidays is almost as fun as celebrating! It gets you in the spirit and creates an excitement to have some fun. Right now, we all need to stop and take some time to relax and have fun with our loved ones. Let’s celebrate America in style!

Patriotic Container Garden

patriotic pottery

Start your patriotic plant display with fun pottery! You can choose from our selections of pottery available in red, blue, or white. Our pottery ranges in size and style so you can find the perfect container for your planting adventures!

Or, you can create your own patriotic pottery! To get started, you will need the following supplies:

  1. 10 in Terra Cotta Pottery
  2. Calloway’s Premium Container Potting Soil
  3. Sun loving plants in patriotic colors like Cora® XDR, Sweet Potato Vines, Salvia, or Pentas
  4. White spray paint
  5. Red and Blue paint
  6. Paint brushes


spray paint

First, cover your terra cotta pot in white spray paint. You may need to apply multiple coats to cover the pottery completely.

paint around stars

Then, with a pencil, draw your stars on the top portion of your pottery. You can hand draw your stars or use a stencil. Here is a FREE stencil that you can cut out and use to help!


fourth of july stencil

Paint the top of the container blue. You can create a navy blue paint color by adding a little bit of black paint to your blue paint. Paint around the stars which should stay white.

paint blue

Next, after the top is finished, start painting the red stripes on the bottom portion of the container.

add red stripes

You can use a ruler to draw the lines, hand paint, or use tape to keep the lines crisp. It is all up to you! Let your container dry completely before starting to plant.


When your pottery is dry, it is ready for planting! First, add your Calloway’s Premium Container Potting Soil, leaving room for your plants.

potting soil

Then, add your sun-loving color in shades of reds and whites to stay in theme with your celebration. Use the “Thriller, Filler, Spiller” Method for an interesting plant display.


For your “Thriller” plant, select a dynamic plant like Pentas. They also mimic fireworks with their small, starburst type blooms.

cora vinca

For your “Filler” plant, try a smaller plant with large blooms and gorgeous foliage like Cora® XDR. This new variety is extra disease resistant and will last through our hot Texas summer!

white cora vinca

Mix it up with by variating shades of red and white for an extra colorful display.

sweet potato vines

Finally, for your “Spiller” plant, use a vining beauty like Sweet Potato Vines. The gorgeous green color will complete your container creation and as it grows it will spill gracefully down your container.

When you are finished planting, water in thoroughly, letting the water drain through the drain hole. Add more potting soil if needed.


Patriotic Plant Tag Decorations

flag plant tags

Now that your container is painted and planted, add some sparkle! Decorate your container with patriotic plant tags! Use our FREE template and grab your markers! Color American flag themed stars, flags, and fireworks!

fourth of july firework plant tags


fourth of july flag plant tags

After everything is colored, cut out the shapes or squares. Glue to a piece of cardstock or poster board for more control. Then, glue a popsicle stick to your tag. You can also decorate the popsicle sticks to take your tags to the next level!

patriotic plant tags

Complete your container garden and add your tags!

usa pottery

To complete your patriotic plant display, add more colorful containers in red, white, or blue and top them off with your other plant tags.

firework plant tag

Add streamers or other fun and festive Forth of July decorations.

4th of july decorations

Once everything is set up, leave room for snacks on your display, and get ready to start having more fun!

4th of july display



Now that you are all set up to celebrate! Let’s have some fun! Play some games with your family. The fourth is a great time to start a game of softball, start a pie eating contest, do a scavenger hunt, throw the football, create your own game, or try our Fourth of July Pottery Ball Game.

Fourth of July Pottery Ball Game

pottery game

Similar to the game skee ball, this fun game is easy to set up and has a lot of flexibility with supplies! Use 6 terra cotta pots and set up in a triangle. You can decorate these pots as well or add the number of points to the pots to help make the game easier. Or keep the pottery as is and use them later for other planting adventures!

points for game

Each pot is worth a certain number of points, use the image above as your reference. The back 3 are worth 1 point, the middle 2 are worth 3 points and the front pot is worth 5 points. Whoever gets to 21 points first, wins!

pottery ball game

You can use bean bags or a ping pong ball. If you are using bean bags, add a few stones or some sand to the bottom of the pottery to weigh them down.

This is great game for all ages and is a good tool for doing a little math refresher for your kiddos during the summertime! Add new rules and make the game as crazy as you want! This inexpensive activity will give your family hours of fun!



At Calloway’s and Cornelius, we want to make gardening easier for you with 3 ways to shop. Our open-air stores are here for you to enjoy, or you can call our store nearest you and place an order over the phone for Curbside Pickup! Plus, try shopping online! When you shop online, you can select Curbside Pickup or use home delivery!


Questions about plant care, availability, or quantities of plants? Call our store nearest you! Our Texas Certified Nursery Professionals are here to help with your planting needs!

4th of july containers

Happy Fourth of July and Happy Birthday America! Share your creations and celebrations with us on our Facebook page or Instagram and use hashtag #CALLOWAYSNURSERY or #CORNELIUSNURSERY! We love to see what you create!




ref: diynetwork.com