A Prelude to Christmas

It’s that wonderful time of year when everything is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Whether you are eager to get all your decorations up now or want to start slowly in November and build to a crescendo – Poinsettias make a great prelude to your Christmas symphony. Preludes serve as an introduction to a larger motif and can be very expressive and set the mood. At Calloway’s and Cornelius, we feel Poinsettias are the ideal plant for this musical metaphor and we’re excited to share our love of them with you.


Let’s begin with a closer look at this classic beauty by exploring its other common names that will help you connect with their charm and allure.

  • Christmas Flower
  • Christmas Star
  • Painted Leaf
  • Mexican Flame leaf
  • La Flor de Nochebuena – Spanish for Christmas Eve flower. Poinsettias are native to Mexico
  • Winter Rose

These simple, common names evoke all the imagery of a season filled with the hope and promise of Christmas. Now that all those images are dancing around in your head, let’s indulge ourselves and take the time to contemplate the diversity of each bract and leaf that composes this plant opus.

You’ll be spellbound when you take a close look at the colorful bracts. The standard red Poinsettia turns out to be more than you expected. Some bracts will be a velvety, solid red, but others reveal a much different scenario. The tip and edges can start out dark green then slowly melt into red as it approaches the center of the bloom. Each bract is as distinctive as various instruments in an orchestra. Each one stunning by itself and somehow more interesting when blended together. The size and shape of each bract come together to give your Poinsettia additional texture and dimension making each bloom mesmerizing. The blooms feature every size from small and delicate all the way to a large palette of plush crimson red.

Now consider the entire bloom as it rests atop some of the most engaging green leaves you’ll encounter. It is easy to see how it earned the names Christmas Star and Painted Leaf. The richness of the leaves helps amplify the explosion of color above them creating a beautiful contrast. They too have a velvety look and touch in addition to their ruffled texture and intricate veins. The more you examine them the more interesting they become.

Red Poinsettias are just one of the many shapes and forms available. Traditional Poinsettias are taller with bigger leaves and bracts.  Princettia® takes poinsettias to a whole new level with their smaller flowers. They are more compact in size and more dense making them ideal as your holiday centerpieces. How wonderful are these clusters of multi-colored options! It is easy to see why they are so sought after with these thick and full blooms.

Princettias® were so popular that we have even more of them this year! Just imagine a glorious variety of sizes and vibrant colors including pink, white, and red in one container.

Décor and a Great Gift – All in one.

You’ll even discover tiny 2 inch charming Poinsettias in darling holiday containers that are self watering! These miniature flowers are in round Christmas ornaments, in square containers with Christmas Trees, and two more designs. You can select a single note or buy them by the full measure.

Care for your Poinsettias

Now that you are thoroughly in love with Poinsettias, let’s consider their care.  Temperature and the right light are the two important factors.  Who doesn’t like a comfortable temperature and good lighting? A good place to display them is near a window so they receive a good amount of light.  On warmer days, you will want to move them away from the heat.  You’ll want to keep the temperature between 59-72°.  Just remember, poinsettias are a bit like Baby Bear, they don’t like to be too hot or too cold.  When enjoying a glowing fire in the fireplace, simply relocate your plants to a different area of the room.  Make sure your Poinsettias aren’t in the path of the cold air when you greet guests on a blustery day.

Helpful tips for watering –

  • The soil needs to be noticeably dry
  • Make sure the excess water can drain away
  • Resist the urge to overwater

Bringing home those first holiday plants will provide a splendid melody for all your other decorations. Along with your poinsettias, make sure you include fresh garlands for their winter wonderland fragrance.  Stroll through the store and you’ll find great tabletop trees like Leyland Cypress and Holiday Trees.  So many ways to please the gardeners on your list.  It is easy to plan ahead with this simple click:  Gifts

Calloway’s and Cornelius Nurseries are snuggled in a neighborhood near you to make all your holiday shopping easy and convenient.  You’ll discover so many holiday plants, gifts, decorations, and inspiration in one place, making it a delight for you to enjoy the experience of discovering items for everyone.

We want to give you an experience that fills your heart with all the peace, contentment, and joy of Christmas.

We wish you a Happy Holiday Season, a Merry Christmas, and Hope Your Poinsettias make you smile.
