February is the time to start preparing your garden for our upcoming spring season! From weed control to planting, check out these helpful tips and suggestions for keeping your garden beautiful and thriving.
February Monthly Lawn & Garden Checklist
Want a lush and vibrant lawn? Start with weed control! In February, it is essential to apply weed pre-emergent to start deterring unruly weeds. Since we can still experience bouts of cold weather, take advantage of the slow growth and fix your weed problem at the source.
Bonide® Crabgrass & Weed Preventer with Dimension
Gain control of crabgrass and other weeds in your established lawn. This great product also contains Dimension, a selective turf and landscape herbicide that prevents the emergence of undesirable weeds. It is safe for use on St. Augustine and Bermuda lawns.
Bonide® Weed Beater Complete Pre-emergent Granules
Weed Beater Complete is great for pre and post control of broadleaf and grassy weeds. It kills the weeds in your lawn, including many varieties of broadleaf weeds. It also contains a pre-emergent, preventing new weeds from germinating in your lawn.
Bonide® Weed Beater Ultra or Bonide® Weed Beater Southern
Looking for a spray option? Try Bonide® Weed Beater Ultra or Southern. This product will kill weeds at the root and is effective on over 200 hard to kill weeds.
Ready to use with a superior cool weather performance, you can expect visible results in just 24 hours. It won’t harm your grass, but will deter those pesky dandelions from appearing in your lawn.
Corn Gluten Meal
Want to go the organic route? Try Corn Gluten Meal! Good Natured™ Corn Gluten products are 100% Pure Corn Gluten Meal. They are all natural and good for the environment. It will green your lawn and apply organic matter while working as a weed deterrent. It’s easy to apply and safe around all trees and shrubs.
Fruits & Vegetables
February is the time to start planting your herbs and cool season vegetables. Container gardens give you more control to help protect your plants during freezes.
Pick up your fresh herbs and leafy favorites like ornamental cabbage and kale, swiss chard, and more. Fruit trees and berry plants are also ideal for planting in February.
Check our selection of blueberries, raspberries, and blackberry plants!
Fruit trees are also great to plant now! Explore our quality selection like peach trees, lemon trees, and more!
Plant now and reap the delicious benefits of growing your own fresh fruit!
Cool-season annual color is ideal for this time of year. These plants can endure cooler temperatures as we move to the next season. Jazz up your landscape with colorful flowerbeds or containers.
Pick up selections like Sweet Alyssum, Geraniums, Cyclamen, and Matrix® Pansies! Enjoy lasting color into the spring season!
Don’t forget to check the sunlight and watering requirements for your plants. Choose plants with similar needs for your gardening success!
Pruning is important for maintaining the health and life of your plants, and it also creates room for new growth. For bush roses, remove half of the top growth of your shrub. Remove weak branches and reduce the height for fresh spring blooms. To prune roses, cut above the bud to encourage new blooms.
Give your groundcovers a cleanup. Trim uneven growth from groundcover plants like Asian Jasmine, Mondograss, and Liriope.
Check your summer flowering shrubs and vines. Prune as needed to remove any damaged or unwanted branches.
Your established peach trees and plum trees should be pruned now before the buds begin to swell.
Soil Care
Give your plants what they need with quality soil. Plant or transplant your trees and shrubs with Calloway’s Tree & Shrub Planting Mix. Calloway’s Tree & Shrub Planting Mix combines aged pine bark, composted rice hulls, coco fiber, Canadian sphagnum peat moss, alfalfa meal, expanded shale and gypsum. All of these elements are blended into a precise formula that promotes healthy root growth so your plants perform to their maximum.
Refresh your flowerbeds and plant your cool-season color with Calloway’s Flower Bed Mix! This fantastic blend contains special ingredients that saves and regulates water levels in your soil. It does so by absorbing excessive water when it is plentiful, and then releasing that water back into the soil as needed. In addition, Calloway’s Flower Bed Mix lightens soil with expanded shale and coco fiber, composted fines and peat moss that conditions soil.
For container gardens, use Calloway’s Premium Potting Soil! Our potting soil is made from the highest quality Canadian sphagnum peat moss, with composted bark fines to create lightness. With the addition of moisture retaining capsules and minerals, Calloway’s Potting Soil provides the ideal balance of air and water to foster healthy root growth for thriving plants. It is ideal for all potted plants and container gardens.
Want to give your soil a natural boost? Prep your soil with Lava Sand! Use in your flowerbeds to provide aeration and porosity to the soil and helps with moisture retention. It increases nutrient availability to your plants’s roots and it is a great additive to break up clay soils.
Plant Food
Help your annual color stay vibrant with Calloway’s Premium Flower Food. Great for all blooming flowers like Begonias, Cyclamen, Pansies, Petunias, Periwinkle, and more. Our 12-4-8 specialized formula contains nitrogen, Fx Iron®, phosphate, and other key ingredients to help your flower bloom with big, bold color! Fx Iron® is an environmentally friendly source of iron. It helps keep your flowers blooming without staining concrete surfaces. Use on new plants, established beds, and hanging baskets. Apply as directed and enjoy gorgeous color in your flowerbeds and containers!
For more gardening tips, join us for our Garden Series events! Check out our blog for more information. Receive 10% off your purchase all day for attending! Plus, enter to win a $500 Calloway’s or Cornelius Gift Card!
Questions? Ask one of our Texas Certified Nursery Professionals available at our store nearest you!