How-To Care For Your Texas Garden in June

how to care for our texas garden in june

June is here and it is time to give your garden a little TLC! Maintaining plant health now is important to help your plants thrive throughout the Summer! Not sure where to start? We are here to help! Here is a June Garden Checklist with plant care tips for your Texas garden, what to plant, and more.



Heat Tolerant Annuals

cora xdr vinca

The weather is showing signs of summer quickly approaching. The warm breeze has found its way through our Texas landscapes with a welcomed excitement. This is the time we find our activities revolving more around the outdoors. Create your outdoor oasis with the perfect plants to thrive in our Texas heat!


Plant heat tolerant color perfect for the sun like Cora® XDR Vinca, Pentas, Lantanas, Zinnias, Purslane, or Sweet Potato Vines. For the shade, try gorgeous foliage like Coleus or Caladiums.


Tropical Annuals

tropical hibiscus

Grow your own tropical oasis, right in your back yard! Now is the time to plant tropical annuals like Tropical Hibiscus, Bougainvillea, Mandevilla, or Crotons.


Edible Plants

tomato plant

Plant for the sun and sustainability with edible plants! Take a bite out of your freshly grown tomatoes and peppers. Top off your favorite dish with the fragrance and flavors of fresh herbs like basil, chives, cilantro, and more!

Landscape Plants

landscape plants

Update your landscape or give your garden a refresh with shrubs and trees. Add dynamic texture and style with premium selections like Boxwoods, Texas Sage, Vitex, and more! Plant immediately and hand-water the new plants every other day throughout the summer.

To explore our plant selection online, visit our website today!



Feed Your Plants

Calloway's Natural Lawn & Garden Food

It is time to feed almost all lawn, landscape, and garden plants. Tackle that task with ease and use Calloway’s Natural Lawn & Garden Food. Our multi-purpose and exclusive 10-3-1 formula contains nitrogen, phosphate, and soluble potash to help produce better results for your lawn and garden. It contains COFFEE-K™, an activated organic matter made with GeoJava’s™ real coffee grounds. Calloway’s Natural Lawn & Garden Food is also infused with Sigma Agriscience Biologicals™ to create a living environment for beneficial microorganisms to flourish! It increases soil organic matter, provides beneficial fungi and bacteria, and promotes organic Chelation of iron. Ideal for lawns, vegetable gardens, and landscaping beds.

Calloway's Plant foods

Remember it is important to feed your hanging baskets and container gardens. Explore our selection of Calloway’s Premium Plant Foods made with key ingredients to help your flowers bloom with big, bold color and to keep your foliage thriving.

Garden Pest Control

garden pest control

Pests can be harmful to your garden. From webworms to chinch bugs and slugs to fire ants, these little creatures can impact the plant health of your garden, grass, and more. The certified experts at Calloway’s and Cornelius recommend you to take action with garden pest control products like Bonide® Eight® Garden & Home Power Sprayer, a water-based, ready-to-use formula that protects your yard from over 130 insects. Use on the listed vegetables, roses, lawns, and other outdoor plants to combat ants, aphids, beetles, ticks, and more.

Bonide® Systemic Granules Insect Control protects your plants from other insects like aphids, whiteflies, scale, and more. These easy-to-apply granules protect for up to 8 weeks and won’t wash off with rain or water.

Fire ants are common in Texas and can be harmful to your landscape and your family. Protect your paws with Ferti-lome® Come and Get It II Fire Ant Killer. It contains a bait that attracts foraging fire ants & is taken back into the nest as food for the colony. Works fast with results in 24 hours.

Natural Garden Pest Control

good natured natural cedar warrior

Looking for a natural and organic approach to pest control? Good Natured™ Natural Cedar Warrior is a safe and effective way to control insects, including mosquitoes, ants, chinch bugs, fleas, and more. Cedar Warrior is a natural alternative to safeguarding your lawn, garden, and family from pests. This easy-to-use formula is safe for pets and the environment!

Monterey B.t.RTU is a biological insecticide that kills damaging caterpillar-type insects but has no effect on bees, birds, earthworms, ladybugs, or other beneficial insects. Caterpillars eat treated foliage and immediately stop feeding and damaging plants. This product is for use on vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, trees, and shrubs. It is OMRI Listed® for organic gardening and can be used up to the day of harvest on edibles. Also, it is very easy to apply! RTU stands for Ready To Use!

monterey b.t

Need to stop slugs? Try Monterey Sluggo® Plus. These easy-to-use pellets are great for controlling slugs and snails as well as earwigs, crickets, pill bugs, cutworms, and sow bugs. It can also be used on ornamentals, vegetables, fruit trees, berries, and lawns. Plus, it is OMRI Listed® for organic gardening.

For more pest control products and information, visit our website today!



sweet potato vines

At Calloway’s and Cornelius, we have convenient ways to shop for your garden! To best serve you, shop our local open-air stores or shop online for Curbside Pickup or delivery!

Stop by today and explore the beautiful selection now! Have questions? Ask our Texas Certified Nursery Professionals; they are here to help!
