Garden Center Locations
Celebrate spring with flower power! Welcome the season with a colorful refresh of annual blooms. Learn more here!
Is your garden ready for the winter? Here are 5 helpful tips for your Texas garden.
Stop and smell the roses! Plant roses and fill your garden with abundant, disease-resistant, and easy-to-maintain blooms. Visit our blog now and learn how-to grow roses in your Texas garden!
April is the time to start feeding your plants. Use Calloway’s Premium Plant Foods! Plant like the experts and try our new and improved formulas made for your Texas garden. Visit our blog at to learn more!
Not sure what to plant in your cool season garden? Check out what is in our stores now!
Get colorful with the bold blooms of Matrix® Pansies! Learn how to give your landscape an update and make a vibrant impact with Matrix Pansies® and easy-to-make container gardens!
August is the perfect month to accomplish tasks in your garden and prepare for the upcoming seasons! Check out our blog for gardening tips on 5 ways to care for your garden in August!