Grow a Greener Fall Lawn


Did this summer take a toll on your lawn? The scorching temperatures and the drought-like conditions made it tough on all of us.

Have no fear, September is here! The weather is cooling off and the rain has returned. This is the ideal time to revive your landscape for a beautiful fall season.

Unsure of where to start? We are here to guide you with helpful tips and products for your lawn.


Weed Control


A healthy lawn requires a high supply of nitrogen, potassium, and other nutrients for strong growth. The presence of weeds can deplete all those beneficial nutrients from the soil, leaving your plants to struggle.

Some weeds can even act like parasites by attaching themselves to a root or stem to drain its nutrients. Tackle these harmful weeds now with premium products from your local Calloway’s or Cornelius.

Granule Solutions


Bonide® Weed Beater Complete is a quality form of pre- and post-emergent control. It kills the weeds in your lawn, including crabgrass and many varieties of broadleaf weeds.

It also contains a pre-emergent, preventing new weeds from germinating in your lawn.


Prevent weeds from germinating with Bonide® Crabgrass Preventer! This weed control solution contains Dimension, a selective turf and landscape herbicide that prevents the emergence of undesirable weeds.


ferti-lome® Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery® is a pre-emergence herbicide used for controlling select broadleaf weeds such as chickweed, clover, dandelion, and yellow woodsorrel.

It also suppresses the emergence of annual grasses such as crabgrass. It covers over 2,000 square feet, and can be safely used to protect over 300 ornamental plants.

Spray Solutions


Bonide® Weed Beater® Ultra is available in concentrated and ready-to-use solutions. It is a post-emergent that kills over 200 broadleaf weeds. It is fast acting; you will see results in 24 hours. It has a proven cool-weather performance and once dry, it will not be washed off by rain. These products are safe on Bermuda and St. Augustine grass.

Bonide® Sedge Ender is an incredibly effective pre- and post-emergent control of goosegrass, nutgrass (and all sedges), crabgrass, foxtail, and many other invasive grassy type weeds. It is safe to use on both northern and southern lawns and has an excellent cool weather performance.

Captain Jack’s™ LawnWeed Brew provides post-emergent control of weeds, disease, moss, algae, and lichens in lawns. It works quickly as the active ingredient is derived from iron, which occurs in nature.

It kills many common weeds like dandelion, clover, moss, narrow-leaved plantain, chickweed, and thistle. The bonus of this premium, product is that it works quickly, as dying weeds will be seen within hours of application.

Natural Weed Control


AgraLawn Crabgrass Killer is a safe and environmentally friendly treatment for weed control and it is a powerful tool for getting rid of stubborn crabgrass found in your lawn. Apply in the morning while morning dew is present for the product to work best, or you can wet the affected area with a hose, irrigation, or spray bottle for best results. Apply only to the affected area you want to control.

Captain Jack’s™ DeadWeed Brew is a herbicide that provides fast-acting control of weeds, grass, mosses, and algae within hours. It is great for use on visible weeds in your vegetable & flower gardens, landscaped areas, lawns, driveways, patios, and more. It is approved and suitable for all your organic gardening needs.


Control Fungus & Disease


Bonide® Infuse™ Lawn & Landscape prevents and controls over 30 plant diseases, including tough to control soil borne diseases. Safe to use on your Bermuda and St. Augustine lawns.


Bonide® Fung-onil™ Multi-purpose Fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide for gardens. It controls leaf spots, rust, blights, fruit rot, and more listed diseases. It is water based and good to use on roses, flowers, vegetables, fruit, and shade trees.

Bonide® Infuse™ Systemic Disease Control prevents and stops major disease on roses, flowers, lawns, trees, and shrubs. It has powerful systemic protection that won’t wash off and lasts up to 1 month on certain diseases.


Feed Your Lawn


Calloway’s Premium Lawn Food is preferred for new lawns that have been fed less than three times. Our 21-5-10 formula provides your lawn with triple controlled release nitrogen, trace elements, and iron.

These nutrients work together to establish strong roots with lasting, green color. The slow-release cycle of Sure Release assures season long feeding that will last weeks beyond most other fertilizers

Calloway’s Premium Lawn Food Phosphorus Free is the ideal fertilizer for established lawns that have been fed three or more times, with extra iron to create a deep emerald green color. The 21-0-0 formula contains triple controlled release nitrogen, as well as vital iron and micronutrients.

It was carefully developed by Calloway’s Nursery Professionals according to the exacting standards of Texas A&M AgriLife Earth-Kind® recommendations.


Feed your landscape naturally with Calloway’s Natural Lawn & Garden Food! The 10-3-1 formula contains nitrogen, phosphate, and soluble potash to help produce better results for your lawn.

It also contains COFFEE-K™, an activated organic matter product made with GeoJava’s™ real coffee grounds.

This increases soil organic matter, provides beneficial fungi and bacteria. It also promotes organic chelation of iron which allows your lawn to absorb iron better giving it a deep, rich green color.


Make your lawn extra green with Medina® Hasta Gro Lawn. The convenient ready-mix formulation is great for a quick lawn green-up since the nutrients are absorbed by the leaves within minutes.


Water Your Lawn


After the drought, our lawns are thirsty. It is important to maintain a viable watering plan. Lawns should receive about 1 inch per week of water. Now that the rain has returned and to make sure your lawn is getting enough water, use a rain gauge.

Rain gauges are a great tool for keeping an accurate measurement of water levels. During times of limited rain, make sure to water early in the morning. This will give your lawn time to absorb before evaporation can occur.


At your neighborhood Calloway’s and Cornelius, we have a premium selection of hoses, soaker hoses, sprinklers, and so much more!


Mowing Tips


As our lawns come back to life, it is important to maintain a proper mowing schedule.

Now is the time to mow frequently. Cut at the recommended height for your type of grass to keep it low and dense. This will help crowd out unwelcome weeds.


Garden Tools


Remove established weeds with quality hand tools. Weeders and cultivators are extremely helpful for getting deep into the soil and removing weeds at their roots.


Need a spreader? Spreaders are great for granule fertilizers and weed control products. EarthWay® Ev-N-Spread is an ergonomic hand spreader to use with seeds, fertilizer, and other granular materials for small areas. It is designed for ease of use with an integrated scoop design so you can get your fertilizer applied without touching it.


We also offer free loaner tools! Calloway’s and Cornelius Nursery® will loan you a spreader to complete your garden project. A refundable deposit is required. See your local Calloway’s or Cornelius Nursery® for details.


Shop With Ease

At Calloway’s and Cornelius, we have everything you need to get your lawn ready for the fall! Shop our neighborhood stores or shop online for Curbside Pickup or Delivery!

Have questions? Ask our Texas Certified Nursery Professionals; they are here to help!





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