Egg-cellent Ideas for the Family: Herb Easter Egg Hunt

Egg-cellent Ideas for the Family: Herb Easter Egg Hunt

Some bunny told us you were looking for an egg-cellent way to celebrate the Easter holiday. We have just the activity that we know you and your family will love! Now is the time to grow for sustainability, in your planting knowledge, and as a family. Spend time being creative together and keep the egg decorating tradition alive, but in a whole new way! The Easter Bunny can’t wait to see what your family has created! So hop to it and learn how to start your Herb Easter Egg Hunt!



To get started, you will need the following:

  1. 4 in terra cotta pots
  2. Fresh herbs like thyme, chives, rosemary, and more!
  3. RapiClip® plant labels
  4. Calloway’s Premium Potting Soil
  5. Crafting supplies like paint, colored pencils, crayons
  6. Gallon freezer bags
  7. Tape or glue

The amount of terra cotta pots, bags of potting soil, and plants that you will need will depend on your family! Each container will need 1 plant. If you have 4 kiddos going on the hunt, you will need at least 4 pots and 4 plants, plus enough potting soil to fill your pots properly.



For this herb-rific Easter Egg Hunt, each child will need to decorate 1 Easter Egg Pot, 1 Easter Egg for their soil bag, and 1 Easter Egg Plant Tag to adorn their herb plant! After everything is created, get the Easter Bunny to hide all the pieces in your yard or home for the kids! They will need to find all the pieces to put together their herb garden as their prize of the hunt!

Easter Egg Pottery

easter egg pottery

First, paint your pottery! Decorate as you want! We painted our pottery to be white like an egg and added pastel details reminiscent of traditional Easter Egg designs. Add ribbon or lace, glitter or gems; have fun and get creative!


Easter Egg Soil Bags

easter egg soil bags

Next, to make things easier, divide your Calloway’s Premium Potting Soil into gallon freezer bags to portion out the amount of soil each Easter Egg Pot will need. Then, make it festive and add your Easter Egg decoration! We have several printable Easter Egg templates for your family to enjoy!


easter egg coloring page

Once printed, start decorating! Color or paint your egg, it’s up to you! Make your eggs bright and cheery!

decorate your easter egg

After you are done giving your Easter Eggs style, carefully cut out the design. Let an adult cut out the eggs and tape or glue it to your soil bag!

tape egg to bag


Easter Egg Plant Tags for the Herbs

easter egg herbs

Give your fresh herbs an Easter Egg flare for your hunt! Decorate your RapiClip® Plant Labels to match the other pieces of your Easter Egg Hunt!

easter egg plant tags

You can make an Easter Egg design or paint an actual Easter Egg! Once created, stick your plant tag in your herb to complete the supplies for your Herb Easter Egg Hunt!



Herb Easter Egg Hunt

hide your easter egg

It is time to go on your Easter Egg Hunt! Set out your Herb Easter Egg Hunt supplies for the Easter Bunny to hide and get ready to have some fun! Each child should find each piece to successfully plant their herbs! Hide the Easter Egg Pot, the Herb plant with Easter Egg Plant Tag, and the Easter Egg Soil Bag!

hide your soil bags

Take photos and partake in the fun! Work together and enjoy the moment!

hide your pottery


How To Plant Your Herbs

When everything has been found, it is time to plant! Enjoy this printable instruction sheet that you can give to your kiddos or use to plant together!

CLICK HERE TO PRINT YOUR HERB PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS! We have a color or black and white option available for you!

herb planting instructions

First, fill your Easter Egg Pot with the Calloway’s Premium Potting Soil in the Easter Egg Soil Bags. Make sure to leave room for your herb plant. Remove the Herb from its plastic container and gentle break up the root ball. Plant it in the potting soil and water in thoroughly, allowing the water to drain through the container. Add more potting soil if needed.

decorate your plant

Then, take the Easter Egg Plant Tag that was in your herb plant and add it to your new planting. This will complete your new Easter Egg Herb Garden!

easter egg herb gardens

Easter just got more flavorful with this fun activity! Teach your family the importance of growing edible plants, especially now! Learn from your family and take some time to relax and have fun together. Make the most of the holiday and celebrate with herbs!

Don’t forget to pick up a bag of Calloway’s Natural Garden Food to keep your herbs growing strong and healthy! Use as directed.



To make your Easter Egg Hunt even more fun, pick up gardening gear for your family! We have a wide array of gardening gloves, shovels, and water cans that we know your kids will love! Choose from some of their favorite characters and superheroes! Fill their Easter basket with great tools that they will use over and over!

Gifts for Girls

girls gardening tools

Gifts for Boys

boys gardening tools

We hope you enjoy our egg-cellent spin on a traditional Easter Egg Hunt! Start a new tradition and keep growing together year after year! From our family to yours, we wish you and your loved one’s good health! Have a safe and stress-free holiday!

We are here for all your planting needs! Shop online now for your planting supplies or call your local Calloway’s or Cornelius for Curbside Pickup! Happy Easter and happy hunting!

