How To Decorate Your Life-Like Christmas Tree

This holiday season, we want to help give you some helpful decorating ideas and tips to help you get started on how to decorate your Christmas tree. Now that you’ve bought your Life-Like Christmas tree and you’ve got it set up, the next thing is to decorate. A lot of people can get stumped. We get a lot of questions here at Cornelius and Calloway’s. What is the best way to decorate a Christmas tree and where do you start? There is no one correct way for how you decorate for Christmas, but over the years, our design experts have found a system you will love for easy decorating and we would like to share it with you.

How To Decorate Your Life-Like Christmas Tree



Add your Tree Topper and Tree Topper Bows

cornelius bow

The beauty of decorating a Life-Like Christmas Tree is that they come pre lit with lights of all styles and colors and are easy to set up. This gives you more time to decorate your tree and house like the professionals. After you’ve got the finial, or tree topper, along the top of the tree, the next thing to do is attach your large tree topper bows.


We’ve used three bows, since this tree is seen from all angles and it’s not in a corner. If it were in a corner, we can get away with two. When you put the bows on, stagger the heights just a little bit. What the bows do is not only make the tree beautiful with gorgeous ribbon, but they help hold in the stems that you’re going to put in the top of your tree to fill it in.


Add your Seasonal Stems on Top


Once you have your bows placed on your tree and you’re happy with the way they look, next, you’re going to want to starting decorating and add some stems and tree decorations. Being careful to not cover up your finial and placing them just a little bit below the finial to enhance the top of the tree.

christmas tree

You can use almost anything. This time of year, we have a variety of different picks and sprays to choose from in all the different color schemes, like gold, green, blue, red or choose a holiday tree theme like whimsical, elegant, traditional, etc.


Add your Seasonal Garland

colorful garland

The next thing we’re going to do is put our garland in our tree, if you’re using garland. You want to do this before you put on any of the ornaments because we’re going to tuck the garland into the tree. We don’t want to knock the ornaments off. And as we tuck, we’re going to go down and around the tree. Just tucking the garland in and bringing that around the tree.


Then, with your next garland, you would come in a little bit more to the empty side, and then tuck and go around to fill in your tree. For an average sized tree, I would say we would probably need about three garlands.


Add your Small Bows and Stems

small bows

If you’re using smaller bows on your tree, now would be the time to put those on. Secure those around the tree, spacing them evenly. This would also be the time you would add any additional stems that you want to put onto your tree.

seasonal stems

As we stick the stem into the tree, you can adjust it as needed like cutting the stem for proper length. Most of the time, you don’t need to. You can just stick it right in by the trunk of the tree.


Add your Large Ornaments


Now, it’s finally time to put the ornaments on the tree. What we like to do is take our larger ornaments back into the trees, near the trunk. It helps to give the tree some depth.

decorating for christmas

This can also be where you have some of your less expensive ornaments or some of the plainer ornaments. We take those and put them in closer to the trunk of the tree.


Add your Decorative Ornaments


Next, it’s time to put on our prettier, more lightweight, more decorative ornaments, like our Cornelius Nursery exclusive from Radko. The 2019 annual ornament is called “H-Town Bound!” and it’s Santa bringing the load of gifts to Houston. We are going to put this front and center on our Christmas tree.

small ornaments

Add your special family ornaments, or enhance your decorations with a festive palette of modern designs or vintage ornaments.


Add your Finishing Touches

how to decorate a christmas tree

Now, we’ve finished decorating the Christmas tree with ornaments, ribbons, and garland. If you find that you have any bare spots anywhere in your tree, you can always add more tree decorations like another small bow or you can add stems, specifically around the bottom of the tree. Sometimes, Christmas trees gets a little sparse near the bottom. What we like to do is just add a variety of holiday stems to kind of fill in the entire bottom portion of the tree.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this tutorial on Christmas tree decorating and good luck decorating for Christmas!

Save 20% on all Life-Like Christmas Trees and receive a FREE Storage bag with the purchase of any 7.5 ft Christmas tree or larger. While supplies last!



(***Decorative ornaments, ribbon, and other tree decorations are only available for purchase at our Cornelius Nursery locations.)


