Pizza Gardens: The Perfect Family Gardening Activity

If your family loves Pizza, plant a Pizza Garden! Bring back a concept of normalcy with your kids and grow for the perfect Pizza Party. In school, Pizza Parties are always a reward for hard work, good grades, and achieving goals. Work together as a family and reap the benefits of a deliciously fresh pizza made with ingredients from your own back yard! Learn about nature, get creative, and grow as a family to accomplish the goal of a plentiful Pizza Garden!

Pizza Garden Checklist


planting with herbs

You will need the following “ingredients” to create the perfect Pizza Garden:

  1. 5 X 8in Terra Cotta Pots
  2. Fresh herbs like Parsley, Sweet Basil, Oregano, and Onion or Garlic Chives
  3. Tomato plant
  4. Calloway’s Premium Potting Soil
  5. Garden tools like hand shovels or trowels, gloves, and a watering can
  6. Calloway’s Natural Garden Food
  7. Crafting supplies like paint and paint brushes



8 in terra cotta pots

First, get your pottery in the Pizza spirit! Paint slices of pizza for a fun and funky look! Let each family member create their own slice or work together for a cohesive style.

painting pottery

Teach your kids how to create different colors by blending primary colors together. Use the color wheel as a reference. Experiment with different mixtures to see what it creates. If you mix yellow with a little bit of red, you can start to create the color orange or mixing red and green creates brown! The colors they can create can become limitless and the knowledge they will gain is essential.

paint pizza slice

Paint the crust and cheesy slice for the base of your design. Then, add your toppings like pepperoni!

add toppings

Label each slice/container with a letter to spell out the word “PIZZA”. Each herb and the tomato plant will have their own container.

pizza planters



fresh herbs

When your Pizza Pottery is complete, it is time to start planting your herbs and tomatoes like:

First, in each container, add your Calloway’s Premium Potting Soil, leaving room for your plant. Remove your plant from its plastic container and gently loosen up the root ball.


Plant in the potting soil and water in thoroughly until the water drains through the container and out the drain hole. Add more potting soil if needed. Repeat this process until all herbs and your tomato plant are planted!


For tomato plants, once they start to grow larger, they will need to be transplanted to a larger container or a garden bed. Add a tomato cage or trellis to help support your plant as it grows and produces delicious fruit.

Teaching your family how to garden and spending time gardening together provides many benefits. Engaging in nature and taking care of plants teaches responsibility, self-confidence, teamwork, the basics of cause and effect, and it promotes physical activity. Take time to discuss the different plants, their leaf shapes, their scent, and their sun and water requirements.



plant tag

For easy access to plant care information, keep your plant tags! They provide all the information that you need to grow successfully. Display your plants in an area that receives about 6-7 hours of sunlight per day and avoid letting the soil dry out. Edible plants in containers require more frequent waterings to maintain a properly moist soil.

Feed your plants with Calloway’s Natural Garden Food. Natural Garden Food is one of the leading fertilizers for an organic landscape. Enhanced with Jobe’s Biozome® and Archaea, a unique blend of beneficial microorganisms, which breaks down complex minerals to improve long-term soil quality. This highly enriched fertilizer also contains helpful and healthy bacteria that stimulates growth above and below the soil.



pizza herb garden

Take pride in your creations and take care of your plants! Work together and achieve your goal of growing fresh herbs and tomatoes for the most delicious Pizza Party ever! Before you know it, you will be enjoying each tasty slice! This activity will grow your family closer together and give each member of the family the responsibility and knowledge to contribute to a more sustainable life.

Ready to get started? We are open! Shop our open-air stores and pick up plant selections, pottery, plant food and potting soil. Call our store nearest you to place your order for Curbside Pickup or shop online! A member of our team will contact you when your order is ready!

We want to see your Pizza Gardens! Show us how you are growing for PIZZA! Tag us in your photos and use #CALLOWAYSNURSERY or #CORNELIUSNURSERY and #TIMETOGROW!



