How to Make a Vertical Planter

School is out and it is time to engage in fun outdoor activities. Take your container gardens to the next level with your own multi-tiered creation and make your own vertical planter! Vertical planters can be personalized to your heart’s desires with all your favorite blooms, herbs, and so much more. You can customize your pottery with paint, add your house number, or even create a decorative design.

Ready to grow? Let us help you get started!



Vertical Planter DIY Terra Cotta Pottery | Calloway's Nursery

Vertical Planter DIY Flowers | Calloway's Nursery



Vertical Planter DIY First Tier | Calloway's Nursery

First, place the largest terra cotta pot on the saucer. For our creation, we used a 14-inch Azalea clay pot.

Vertical Planter DIY First Tier | Calloway's Nursery

Next, place a smaller terra cotta container upside down and in the center of 14-inch pot. We used an 8-inch terra cotta pot. Create a draining system by adding stones or pebbles to the bottom of the container. Then, fill the space with Calloway’s Premium Container Potting Soil.



Small Terra Cotta Vertical Planter Second Tier | Calloway's Nursery

Place the second largest container on top of the first tier. We used a 10-inch Azalea terra cotta pot. Place a smaller terra cotta pot upside down and in the center of the 10-inch pottery. Try a 6-inch size for the idea fit.

Once that is in place, add your support rod by sliding it through the drain holes of the pottery. You can use a dowel rod or a short PVC pipe. This will help your creation stay upright and will add extra support in windy conditions.

Add more stones or pebbles to ensure there is a proper draining system and then fill the second tier with potting soil.



Terra Cotta Vertical Planter Third Tier | Calloway's Nursery

Complete your vertical planter with the final tier of pottery. Place an 8-inch Azalea terra cotta on top. Make sure the support rod is going through the drain hole for extra control.

Add stones or pebbles for good drainage and fill the top container with Calloway’s Premium Container Potting Soil.

Add more soil to each tier if needed before adding plants!



Vertical Planter DIY | Calloway's Nursery

Now that your planter is set, it is time to add plants! You can use your favorite blooms, herbs, vines, and more. The most important factor to keep in mind when choosing plants is to pick selections with similar sun and water requirements.



Vertical Planter DIY Top Tier With Dracaena Spike | Calloway's Nursery

For the top tier, choose a dynamic option to give your creation a lively touch. Try an ornamental grass or a low-maintenance selection like Dracaena Spike. Dracaena Spike features tall vivid green spikes.

Vertical Planter DIY Top Tier With Superbells White Calibrachoa | Calloway's Nursery

Complete the top tier with full and flowing blooms like Superbells White Calibrachoa from Proven Winners®.



Vertical Planter DIY Middle Tier | Calloway's Nursery

Fill the middle tier with your favorite blooms. Try sun-loving beauties like Cora® XDR Vinca. Cora® XDR Vinca is striking, showy, star-shaped flowers that provide strong color from late spring through fall. They thrive in full sunlight and are available in many different shades of vibrant color!



Supertunia® Mini Vista Pink Star™ Petunias | Calloway's Nursery

Continue the flowing, natural look with trailing blooms like Supertunia® Mini Vista Pink Star™ Petunias from Proven Winners®. These petite blooms are white with pink veining to create a gorgeous star shape. With our plant selections, it helps complete the pink and white color scheme throughout the design.

Vertical Planter DIY Bottom Tier | Calloway's Nursery

To add fullness and fragrance, try Goodwin Creek Organic Lavender. This fragrant plant has beautiful silver foliage and a bold texture.

Once all your flowers or herbs are added, water in thoroughly and add more potting soil if needed. Display on your porches or outdoor gathering spaces.



At Calloway’s and Cornelius, we have everything you need to create your vertical planter! Shop our neighborhood stores or shop online for Curbside Pickup or Delivery!

Vertical Planter DIY | Calloway's Nursery

Stop by today and explore our entire selection of premium plants, pottery, and more! Have questions? Ask our Texas Certified Nursery Professionals; they are here to help!





