New Indoor Plant Collection: leafjoy™ from Proven Winners®

Growing indoor plants is more than just a hobby; it is a form of self-care and a fantastic way to relax. They fill your home with life, beauty, and purpose. Whether you are already a plant-lover or new to gardening, we have a treat for you! Check out leafjoy™ from Proven Winners®! This collection features unique and beautiful houseplants perfect all the spaces in your home where you entertain, work, and unwind.

leafjoy™ has conveniently grouped these plants into Collections for all aspects of your life to boost your indoor gardening success, inspire you, and transform your home.

leafjoy™ from Proven Winners®

leaf joy

Proven Winners® has launched a new line of fabulous indoor plants. The selection is vast with many different varieties of your favorite houseplants, all boosting impeccable quality for your lasting success.

leafjoy indoor plants

Pair with stylish pottery and your indoor space will sparkle with beautiful foliage.

plants in office

Let’s check out a few selections of the unique varieties available now at your local Calloway’s and Cornelius!




Alocasia is also popularly known as the African Mask plant. Although it originated in the Philippines, it earns its name because the foliage resembles the hand carved ceremonial masks found in Africa.

Alocasia is striking and unique indoor foliage with a beautiful veining design. Perfect as a standalone plant for its clean lines and crisp green and white colors. When combined with other indoor plants, Alocasia can greatly enhance the look of your urban jungle.

This variety prefers medium to bright indoor light. Water when the top of the soil is dry. Here are a few of the stunning Alocasia varieties to add to your collection:

Dwarf Amazonica

Dwarf Amazonica alocasia

Ivory Coast

ivory coast alocasia

Pink Dragon

pink dragon alocasia


alocasia Bambino

Plumbea Nigra

Plumbea Nigra alocasia




Known for its boldly marked, oblong leaves, Calathea is a fabulous choice for your next indoor plant. The eye-catching veining provides for the various nicknames that this plant has: zebra plant, peacock plant, and rattlesnake plant. Calathea are some of the most beautiful tropical plants in the world.

Calathea is native to Brazil. This plant prefers warm and humid indoor environments with medium to bright indirect light. Avoid placing it in drafty or cold areas of your home. Water when the top of the soil is dry to the touch. Calathea’s are thirsty plants so check the soil often to see if you need to water again. With proper conditions, your tropical plant will thrive and grow quickly.

calathea leaves

You may notice your plant moving throughout the day. This shifting is thought to follow the sun’s movements, where the leaves tend to fold upwards at night and open wide in the morning. Here are a few of the gorgeous Calathea plants available now:


ornata calathea


Orbifolia calathea


calathea dottie


medallion calathea




Ficus are popular houseplants and commonly found in the home or an office. Ficus plants maintain their shape, regardless of their size. Their leaves can range in size and colors from dark green to variegated, depending on the variety.

Ficus plants can be sensitive to low temperatures and drafts. They prefer indoor climates around 60-70 degrees. Avoid placing it around cold windows and doors. Water when the top of the soil is dry. If your Ficus is dropping leaves, pay attention to its care and surrounding environment to make sure it has what it needs.

ficus bambino

There are several different types like Ficus benjamina and elastica. Ficus benjamina is the most common variety and is also known as the Weeping Fig with its abundance of small leaves. Ficus elastica is known as the Rubber fig because of its shiny and large foliage. This foliage can range from dark green to a variegated color scheme. Check out these lovely selections of leafjoy™ Ficus varieties:

Ficus benjamina Golden King

benjamin golden ficus

Ficus elastica Abidjan

Ficus elastica Abidjan

 Ficus elastica Tineke

Ficus elastica Tineke




Philodendrons are an indoor staple. They are easy to care for and quickly adapt to the conditions of your home. They thrive indoors and can even tell you what they need.

Philodendrons prefer medium to bright indirect light. If the leaves start to yellow, they are getting too much light. If the stems start to droop, that means your plant needs more indirect light. Water when the top of the soil is dry. If the leaves start to droop, that is a sign of too little or too much watering. The leaves will recover quickly with a proper watering routine.

Looking for colorful foliage? Here are a few varieties to place throughout your home:

Lemon Lime

lemon lime philodendron


Apple philondendron

 Sun Red

sun red philodendron

Green Princess

green princess philodendron




Ferns are easy to grow indoors and a popular choice for beginners. They are dynamic, beautiful, and they truly capture of essence of bringing nature inside.

Ferns prefer medium to bright indirect light. Display your selections in areas away from drafts of air and temperature extremes. Try placing your plants near windows with morning or late afternoon light. Avoid any direct sunlight as this will burn the foliage.

Ferns crave moisture. They originated from moist and shady forest floors. Water when the top of the soil is dry and give your plants a spritz of water at regular intervals. Fall in love with ferns like these unique selections:

Birds Nest Antiquum

birds nest fern

Autumn Fern

autumn fern

Korean Rock Fern

korean rock fern



When planting your new leafjoy™ varieties, use Calloway’s Premium Container Potting Soil. Our Potting Soil is a professional formula made from the highest quality ingredients. It is ideal for all potted plants and container gardens to help your plants get the best start for healthier, continued growth.

Use Calloway’s Premium Tropical Plant Food as directed to keep your plants happy and healthy. Our 15-5-10 special formula contains a controlled release nitrogen, Fx Iron®, calcium, and other key components to help your tropical plants have healthier growth and gorgeous foliage.



At Calloway’s and Cornelius, we have everything you need for your indoor jungle! Shop our Texas community plant stores or shop online for Curbside Pickup or Delivery!

proven winners

Stop by today and explore leafjoy™ by Proven Winners®! Questions? Ask our Texas Certified Nursery Professionals; they are here to help!




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