No-Carve Pumpkin Decorating Ideas for Halloween

No-Carve Pumpkin Decorating Ideas for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Are you ready to decorate pumpkins for Halloween? Get the family together and spend time being creative. We have 3 easy no-carve pumpkin decorating ideas that are quick and fun for the whole family.


Giving your pumpkins a bath is essential to helping preserve your fresh fall produce longer. At Calloway’s and Cornelius, you will find a gorgeous selection of Texas grown pumpkins. Fresh from the farm, pumpkins can have residual dirt on them. By washing them thoroughly and carefully, you can enjoy vibrant and beautiful pumpkins all season long!

Washing Pumpkins With Mild Cleaning Solution for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Wash your pumpkins with a mild cleaning solution. You can use water and dish soap or water and vinegar. Water and vinegar will require one part vinegar to three parts water for effective cleaning.

Washing Pumpkins With Mild Cleaning Solution in a Tub for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Create your cleaning solution in a large plastic tub and allow the pumpkins to soak for 20-30 minutes. After they are done soaking, use a soapy sponge to remove any excess dirt. Set your pumpkins in an area where they can dry completely. When they are dry, it is time to start decorating!



Painted Pumpkins for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Painting pumpkins is an easy way to personalize and create the look that you want. You can create a uniform style or make an eclectic display. The choice is yours! Here are a few directions to help you get inspired.

Paint for Halloween Pumpkins | Calloway's Nursery

You can use spray paint, craft paint, or even dimensional fabric paint. Each style of paint allows you to create many different looks.

Spider Web Pumpkins

White Pumpkin for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Create a scary spider web with fabric paint on a White Pumpkin for the strongest contrast.

Black Fabric Paint on White Pumpkin for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Paint 5-7 lines half-way down the ridges of the pumpkin. Space the lines out to create equal sections.

Painted Spider Web on White Pumpkin for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Next, make arching lines to connect each section around the pumpkin.

Spider Web Pumpkin for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Repeat the arching lines three times down to meet the bottom of the intersecting lines. Allow the paint to dry completely.

Spider Web Pumpkin for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

When the paint is dry, glue on plastic spiders to complete your Spider Web Pumpkin!

Friendly Ghost Pumpkin

Friendly Ghost Pumpkin for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

With black spray paint, completely cover a Jack O’ Lantern from bottom to stem. Allow the paint to dry completely.

Painting White Ghost on Pumpkin for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Next, start painting your friendly ghost. You can free-hand or use a stencil. Make the friendly ghost your own and have fun with it. There are many different shapes and expressions you can use.

Painting White Ghost on Black Pumpkin for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Allow the white paint to dry and add in the eyes and mouth with black craft paint. Admire your new and BOO-tiful creation!

Dip Paint Pumpkin

Dip Paint Pumpkin for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Dip painting your pumpkins adds an organic touch to any display. You can experiment with different color schemes, but for our creation, we are using black and white paint for a traditional Halloween look. Cover a Pie Pumpkin with white spray paint and set aside. Prepare a bowl with black craft paint for the next step.

Dip Paint Pumpkin for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Simply, dip the bottom of the pumpkin into the bowl of paint. Place the pumpkin upside down to dry and allow portions of the paint to drip naturally. This will create a flowy, organic look to accent your fall display!



Googly Eye Pumpkins for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Decorating pumpkins using glue is simple! You can add ribbon, flowers, and even googly eyes! Googly eyes are a playful and effortless way to make an eerie Halloween display.

Googly Eyes for Halloween Pumpkins | Calloway's Nursery

You will need a variety of pumpkins and gourds, hot glue, and googly eyes. Find googly eye selections that have different sizes and eye colors for a unique touch.

Mini Orange Pumpkin With Googly Eye for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Create an adorable cyclops with a Mini Orange Pumpkin.

Googly Eyes on White Pie Pumpkin for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Engage in your imagination and create a 3-eyed cutie with a White Pie Pumpkin!

Googly Eyes on Pie Pumpkin for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

You can even cover a Pie Pumpkin with googly eyes! This effective approach is so straightforward and entertaining to do.



Glitter Pumpkin for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Give the holidays a little sparkle with the addition of glitter on your pumpkins! Try your favorite colors and re-use your creation in your Thanksgiving displays.

Glittered Stem Pumpkin

Glitter Stem Pumpkin for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Pick a pumpkin with a solid stem and beautiful coloring. You will need Mod Podge® and fine glitter to get started.

Painting Pumpkin Stem for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Paint the stem with a thick layer of Mod Podge®.

Covering Pumpkin Stem in Glitter for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Sprinkle the glitter onto the wet Mod Podge®, covering it completely.

Glitter Stem Pumpkin Decorating for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Shake off any excess glitter and use a dry brush to remove extra pieces that may have fallen onto your pumpkin.

Glittered Base Pumpkin

Glitter Pumpkin Decorating for Halloween | Calloway's Nursery

Choose any pumpkin with a good shape and solid base. Gather up your Mod Podge®, glitter, and painter’s tape.

Painter's Tape on Pumpkin for Halloween Decoration | Calloway's Nursery

Securely wrap the tape around the pumpkin to create a crisp line.

Painter's Tape on Pumpkin for Halloween Decoration | Calloway's Nursery

Cover the bottom half of the pumpkin with a thick layer of Mod Podge® and add the glitter. Make sure the bottom is covered completely, especially near the tape. Allow everything to dry completely.

Glitter Pumpkin Idea for Halloween Decoration | Calloway's Nursery

Carefully, remove the tape to reveal the crisp line of glitter and your fabulous new pumpkin!

Want more pumpkin decorating ideas? Check out Pumpkin Decorating Ideas & Inspiration for the Family. You can learn how to make thumbprint pumpkins and more!



Halloween Pumpkin Decor Ideas | Calloway's Nursery

At Calloway’s and Cornelius, we have the best pumpkin selection around! Stop by and explore our entire Autumn Harvest collection! Shop our neighborhood stores or shop online now!

To learn more about our pumpkin selection, visit our blog here! Have questions? Ask our Texas Certified Nursery Professionals; they are here to help!





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