Category: Edible Plants

vegetables to plant in may

Tasty Vegetables to Plant Now

Do you love fresh veggies? Check out these tasty selections to plant now!

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earth day

5 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! Let’s celebrate our beautiful planet! Here are 5 easy ways to do your part.

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how to grow an herb garden in your kitchen

How to Grow an Herb Garden in Your Kitchen

Let fresh herbs fill your home with flavor and fragrance. Grow an herb garden in your kitchen!

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vegetable gardening

Delicious Eats: Grow a Vegetable Garden

Do you love fresh vegetables? Grow an edible garden with Chef Jeff’s® Vegetables!

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Growing Fresh Herbs Indoors & In Style

Who says you need a yard to grow fresh herbs? Grow your own herb garden indoors and do it in the most stylish way possible! All you need is a window for sunlight and a creative spirit!

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fruit and berry gardens

How-To Plant Fruit Trees & Berries

Do you love fresh fruit? Grow your own fruit trees and berries! Not sure where to start? We are here to help!

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Gardening 101: Plant Cool Season Color

Are you new to gardening? Check out this helpful list on the perfect cool season color to plant now.

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eat better with fresh herbs

More Herbs, Less Salt: Eat Better with Fresh Herbs

Skip the salt! Eat for a healthier life and add flavor to your food with fresh herbs! Learn more here!

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how to make popsicles with herbs

How-To Make Refreshing Popsicles with Fresh Herbs

You deserve a refreshing summer treat! Visit our blog at now and learn how-to make delicious popsicles with fresh herbs!

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how to plant soiree kawaii catharanthus

Vinca Love: How-To Plant Soiree® Kawaii Catharanthus

Did you know “Kawaii” means cute in Japanese? That is exactly what Soiree® Kawaii Catharanthus is! These adorable blooms will sparkle in your next container garden! Learn how to plant Soiree® Kawaii Catharanthus with these 3 container garden ideas!

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vegetable gardens

How to Plant Vegetables: Vegetable Garden Checklist

Grow your own fresh vegetables now! Get started with our Vegetable Garden Checklist! Learn more here!

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plant with proven winners

Plant for the Earth with Proven Winners®

Let’s celebrate our Earth and start growing with plants from Proven Winners®! Choose award-winning options from Proven Winners® to grow for sustainability, to support pollinators, and more!

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