Fall Gardening Tips: Time to Plant your Trees and Shrubs

Planting a new tree or shrub is an exciting task. Just thinking about how it will grow and watching your plant flourish, season to season, gives any gardener a feeling of pride.

The important factor to keep in mind when adding new trees or shrubs to any landscape is the time of year. Your plant needs certain conditions to establish and develop and fall is the perfect time get started!

Fall is a great season because the soil is cooler. The cooler temperatures allow your roots plenty of time to mature happily before the heat of summer hits again.

Also, the cooler temperatures greatly decrease any risk factors that could develop and impact the health of you plant and its establishment.

Here is a step-by-step guide how to get started. Stop by our location nearest you for quality plants and products for exceptional gardening success.


  1. Your plant selections
  2. Calloway’s Tree & Shrub Mix
  3. Calloway’s Premium Mulches
  4. Calloway’s Professional Tree & Shrub Food
  5. Shovels and hand shovels
  6. Pruning shears
  7. Hose
  8. Gloves
  9. Rake or Garden Fork
  10. Wheel barrow or tarp


fall planting

Before you start digging, there are a few factors you should keep in mind to ensure your plants establish successfully.

First, where are you going to plant your new tree or shrub? This is a very important question to consider for many reasons.

For example, how much sunlight does that area receive? The amount of sunlight will help you determine the type of plant to use or if that location will work for the plant selected. All plants need certain levels of sunlight and that should be outlined on their plant tag to help you.

Is there a water source available? Watering your plants is very crucial, especially during the planting process and for the health of the roots. Make sure you have the capability to allow your water source to reach your new plantings.

Also, think about the area surrounding the plant. Are there any gas lines around? Call 811 to verify that your planting location is safe. Is there enough space for the tree or shrub to grow properly? The plant may be small now, but it will develop into something so much more and depending on your plant – that will help you determine how far apart the plants should be or how far it should be from any permanent structure.

Other factors to keep in mind are:

  • Will the plant flower or fruit?
  • Are birds or butterflies attracted to your plant?
  • Is your plant able to keep their leaves through the winter?

Whether your plant is ornamental or it will drop fruit on the ground or shed its leaves every year – this can impact the area surrounding or how to display the plant in your garden.


fall planting

Once your tree or shrub is selected and the location to plant has been chosen, its time to start digging.

To determine the size of the hole, use the size of the container. The hole should be about 1.5 times wider than the size of the container and no deeper.

Use your tarp or wheel barrow to collect the soil and protect the surrounding grass.


fall planting

Time to plant! Remove the tree or shrub from the container and loosen up the roots. Then, place the plant’s root base into the hole.

Add your Calloway’s Tree and Shrub Planting Mix to the hole and around the roots, keeping the top level with the ground.

fall planting

Mound your soil outside the base of your new tree to help it collect water.

Finally, add your Calloway’s Premium Tree & Shrub Food and water it in.



You are almost done! Once our tree or shrub is planted, it’s a great idea to add mulch. Mulch plays an important role in your plants health, keeping the roots warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Calloway’s Premium Mulches are perfect for your new trees and shrubs.


Spread about 2-3 inches around the area and plantings. This will help maintain moisture and deter weeds from developing.

Be sure to avoid touching the base with the mulch. Keep the area immediately surrounding the base empty.




Your new tree plantings should be watered when planted and at least once per week during the first growing season, depending on rain and temperature. Water more during higher temperatures and little rain fall, but avoid over-watering. The key is to use deep soakings.

For your shrubs, give your new shrubs a generous soaking when it is initially planted. Repeat this process for about once a week until the shrub has established.

Maintain your plant with proper watering, fertilizing over the year, and remember to prune and trim accordingly and during the proper seasons.

Congratulations and good luck! Remember our Texas Certified Nursery Professionals are available at our stores nearest you to help you with any of your planting questions or needs!

Don’t feel like planting? Let us plant for you! Check out our Garden Services, like Pick & Plant, or schedule your consultation online today for our Landscape Design & Installation services, now available at all of our DFW locations!
