Fall Indoor Plants

Bring Nature Into Your Home

Elevate Your Interior Spaces with Lush Charm!

Transform your home into a thriving oasis of greenery. With their enriching presence, Indoor Plants are here to boost your living experience. Explore our diverse selection to create your own sanctuary of green beauty.

Our Favorite Fall Indoor Plants

Looking to immerse your home with the essence of autumn? Check out the top five Indoor Plants that beautifully capture the spirit of the season!

Planting Essentials for Your Indoor Jungle

Repotting your Indoor Plants? Here are the premium products you will need for success!

Frequently Asked Questions

Crotons are the ultimate fall indoor choice!

Fall is a great time to give all your houseplants a good cleaning. You can either hose them off before you bring them inside for the season or use your bathtub. This will help remove any dust that insects are attracted to. If you spot webbing created by spider mites at any point we recommend Bonide® Neem Oil. A good plant care schedule and regular cleaning should keep insects at bay. If you have any other issues, come visit our Texas Certified Nursery Professionals, they are here to help!

During the fall and winter season, we have less light, cooler temperatures and less humidity. All these factors play a role in how much water your indoor plant needs. The easiest way to determine when to water is to use the “finger test.” Stick your finger about an inch into the soil. If it feels dry at that depth, it’s time to water. If it still feels slightly moist, wait a few more days before checking again.

Repotting can be done in the fall but it should be done carefully. In general, it’s best to reserve major repotting activities for the spring or early summer when most indoor plants are in their active growth phase. However, if you have a specific reason to repot a plant in the fall, such a health issue or if it’s root-bound, you can do so with care and attention to the plant’s needs. Different indoor plants have different growing cycles and dormancy periods. Some plants, like many tropicals, tend to grow actively year-round and may tolerate repotting in the fall. Others, such as many succulents and cacti, may naturally slow down their growth during the fall and winter and are better suited for repotting in the spring when they resume active growth. Ask your Texas Certified Nursery Professional for tips on your specific indoor plant!

As your plants may be growing more slowly in the fall and winter, consider reducing the frequency of fertilization to avoid overfeeding them. We carry Jobe’s Houseplant Fertilizer Spikes which are an easy and convenient option!

Sansevieria, ZZ Plants, Cati & Succulents are a few of our favorites! There are more low-maintenance indoor plants! If you have a certain place in mind, come into our store and we can walk you through your options!

We bring in rare houseplants at various times of year. If there is something that you are specifically looking for, call your neighborhood location! Keep an eye out on our social media channels, we post Rare Plant Alerts when we get in limited quantities of special plants!

Fiddle Leaf Fig or Ficus lyrata thrive on bright indirect light. Make sure to place your Ficus in front of a window but not near any type of vent as they don’t like sudden temperature shifts.

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