Hedera Ivy Variegated

Variegated Hedera Ivy is a perfect plant for hanging baskets, indoor pots, or on stands where their leaves have the ability to trail downwards. This Ivy prefers an area where it can get decent light, such as on a window sill or in a well lit room.

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Species: Hedera Helix

Plant Height: 8 in.

Spread: 60 in.

Evergreen: No

Plant Form: Trailing

Minimum Sunlight: Medium Light

Maximum Sunlight: Bright Light

Variegated Hedera Ivy has attractive green leaves with yellow or white edges depending on variety. This Ivy likes to trail which gives a beautiful and elegant look to any space.

This Ivy works great in hanging baskets or in planters on stands that allow the vines to trail downwards. This Ivy can also be trained to climb a small trellis or be made into a topiary.

Hedera Ivy remains smaller in height but can trail up to 5ft which makes them a great choice for hanging baskets or on stands where they have room to trail down.