Gardening 101: Geranium Planting Tips

Geraniums are an easy choice. They are a favorite to many gardeners for their lovely colors, lush foliage, and dynamic shape. They are easy to grow and will make a strong statement in your flowerbeds or containers. They are popular as a bedding plant, and a great addition to your container gardens and hanging baskets.

geranium plant tag

Gardening 101: Geranium Planting Tips

geranium planting

Geranium Planting Tips

geranium garden

Geraniums dazzle in any flowerbed or container. The first step for planting and maintaining healthy blooms is a well-draining soil. Geraniums need full sunlight. Make sure to plant in an area that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight.

geranium plants

When planting in flowerbeds, use Calloway’s Flower Bed Mix. Calloway’s Flower Bed Mix contains special ingredients that regulate the water levels in your soil. It does so by absorbing excessive water when it is plentiful, and then releasing that water back into the soil as needed. In addition, Calloway’s Flower Bed Mix lightens soil with expanded shale and coco fiber. Composted fines and peat moss condition the soil. Plus, a first feeding of fertilizer is included to give your plants a great start.

calloway's potting soil

When planting in containers and hanging baskets, use Calloway’s Premium Potting Soil. Calloway’s Premium Potting Soil is made with special ingredients like sphagnum peat moss and composted bark fines to create lightness. Calloway’s Premium Potting Soil provides moisture retention to foster healthy root growth for thriving plants.

Geranium Watering Tips

watering geraniums

When your Geraniums are freshly planted in your flowerbeds and containers, a key step in starting your garden off on the right note is watering. Watering your new plants in thoroughly and deeply will allow your plant’s roots to get the moisture they need to grow strong and healthy.

pink geranium

For container gardens, make sure your container has a drain hole. When planting in containers, it is important to water in thoroughly and allow the water to drain through the container. Water again when the soil feels dry.

For flowerbeds, water weekly, as needed. Avoid overhead watering, as it can lead to pests and disease. Focus on deep watering at the soil for healthy blooms

coral geranium

Geranium Care Tips

When you properly care for your Geraniums, they will flourish! When potted, Geraniums can outgrow their container. Move to a larger pottery selection when needed.

white geranium

Pruning spent blooms is important for encouraging new growth and will allow for additional blooms. Spent blooms use energy that your plant needs to grow. Pruning will allow your plant’s energy to focus on growing stronger and producing more blooms.

calloway's premium flower food

Feed your plant and enjoy vibrant, lasting color with Calloway’s Premium Flower Food. Our new and improved formula was created with your gardening success in mind. It’s a fantastic food for all blooming flowers like Geraniums, Begonias, Cyclamen, Pansies, Petunias, Periwinkle, and more. Our 12-4-8 specialized formula contains nitrogen, Fx Iron®, and other key ingredients to help your flower bloom with big, bold color! Fx Iron® is an environmentally friendly source of iron. It helps keep your flowers blooming without staining concrete surfaces. Use on new plants, established beds, and hanging baskets. Use as directed on the label!

red geranium

Geraniums are in stores now and ready to shine in your garden! Choose from vibrant colors like pink, red, coral, and more! Relish in the gorgeous foilage and colors.

Questions? Ask on of our Texas Certified Nursery Professionals available at all of our store locations!

geranium selection




